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^((TDA^)) The Dark Angels :: Forums :: Gameserver =TDA= ETPRO Public forum :: Player Stats
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STATS are offline

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Wed Feb 07 2007, 05:22pm Print View
Village idiot of the year
[ General of the Army ]

Joined: Fri Jun 02 2006, 10:16pm
Location: Vrolingen (Wellen)/Limburg/Belgium
Posts: 452
I am planning to get playerstats for all the servers in the Castle warbitz community and for TDA warserver.
I had to take the Wolfbot and Fritzbot stats offline because they were taking up to much of my database space.
Thanks to Cosseh who is providing us with the needed storage we can compare our stats in ETPRO, ETPUB and RTCW
Still working on parsing stats for COD2 but i will get there
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Wed Feb 07 2007, 06:08pm
[ General of the Army ]

Joined: Fri May 19 2006, 06:35pm
Location: Warsaw
Posts: 169
=D Guerna, You are too good =)
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[29 Jul : 16:50]
[28 Jul : 17:33]
Salut Rik, voir le message mp.

[07 Jul : 17:40]
Salut Rik, et ben oui Sylvain est de retour. Allez un de ces quatres Rik.
[01 Jul : 22:56]
Ha merci Hey biscuits de retour ?
[05 Jun : 12:28]
Vielen Dank Christian
[03 Jun : 14:10]

Hello William,

[18 Apr : 18:36]

to Ricwar and Batista
bonne fete et de la Santée ,Bonne journée a vous deux .
[20 Mar : 18:36]

I thank you so much for your good wishes!
[27 Feb : 00:20]
allo Christian
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !
[26 Feb : 20:35]
Cris, a very late birthday wish from holland
[24 Feb : 15:55]
hallo Christian
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !

Happy Birthday Cris

[24 Feb : 00:06]
Happy birthday Chris-D50

[01 Jan : 21:29]

Happy New Year everyone.
Bonne annee a vous tous .
[01 Jan : 20:38]
best wishes from Holland
[01 Jan : 19:04]
I'm missing Otto..

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